Introduction to UI/UX Design Specialization by California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) on Coursera.

1. Free Courses to Kickstart Your Learning (Free)

Dive into UI/UX design, including user research, information architecture, interaction design, visual design, and prototyping.

2. UI/UX Design Course by Google on YouTube: (Free)

This bitesized course covers UI/UX design fundamentals, including user interface (UI) design principles and creating wireframes/prototypes.

3. Introduction to UI and UX Design by Codecademy: (Free)

Level Up Your Skills with Paid Courses

Level Up Your Skills with Paid Courses

1. Deep Dive into Interaction Design (Paid)

Interaction Design Specialization by University of California San Diego on Coursera

2. User-Centered Design Made Easy (Paid)

The Design of Everyday Things by Interaction Design Foundation

3. Intensive Bootcamp for Professionals (Paid)

UI/UX Design Bootcamp by CareerFoundry: This comprehensive bootcamp provides intensive training in UX/UI design.